Helping the Client Select the Best Investment Opportunity in Healthcare
APIS Health Consulting Group
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Helping the Client Select the Best Investment Opportunity in Healthcare


APIS client is a group of investors interested in entering the healthcare industry in Beirut, Lebanon. Four investment opportunities were assessed and APIS actively advised the client in the selection of the option that best matches their investment strategy, risk appetite and expected financial returns.


Investors were looking to develop a profitable healthcare project on a plot of land in Beirut, Lebanon.

Our Approach

Analyze | APIS conducted an in-depth analysis of the population demographics, health indicators and healthcare demand and supply in the catchment area, for a well-founded understanding of the market.

Define | Based on the market analysis, APIS developed the concepts and services, and performed a financial analysis for 4 distinct investment options.

Advise | We advised the client to invest in one of the 2 most attractive options. The project attractiveness was measured according to market needs, complexity of operations and financial returns.


APIS laid down a detailed business plan that included a financial model to collect funds and launch the project.